Introduce yourself!
I’m Tracy Abney and I own Rocket City Doulas.
How does your business help people?
Reducing anxiety and instilling confidence in expectant and new parents
How long have you lived in Madison County?
19 years
What inspired you to start your business?
My own birth experience – I felt alone, scared, and like I had lost agency over my own body. I wanted to BE with people so they wouldn’t feel what I felt during birth and postpartum.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
Other than our standard of providing unbiased, non-judgmental support, we run as an agency model. We have shared birth teams, greatly reducing the risk that a client will end up with a backup they don’t know. We have a team of postpartum doulas that can handle any size of contract – big or small!
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
I’m so freaking proud of our team! To have so many doulas who are continually learning and growing in a community is so special!
How does your business contribute to the local community?
We partner with organizations in our area to support bereaved families. We offer bereavement doula support to our clients at no cost.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I am hopeful that we will grow even more into our role as the area’s top postpartum and infant care doulas! My long-term plan is for us to be known in the community who you call when you need postpartum support!
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
Our clients are overall looking for evidence based care and support that is unbiased and non-judgmental. Our clients tend to want a doula to work cooperatively with the care team they’ve carefully created. They usually contact us on our website to set up a free call!
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
It depends on my mood and energy level (chronic illness gang here!) but often it’s networking and speaking at events/expos.
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
We offer our Doulas continuing education by bringing in area experts to speak and teach at our monthly team meetings. Our training organization also sends out important updates monthly that I then pass along to our team.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
Make sure you have your business ducks in a row before starting AND charge your worth! Many doulas think that less experience means they shouldn’t charge for their services. But, your time and education/training should be valued!
Any product/service you would like to highlight at this time?
Many people don’t realize that we provide education services! So, even if they aren’t up for hiring a doula, they can learn from them! We offer Newborn care classes, Childbirth education, Comfort measures classes, and Infant Feeding classes.
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
Yes! I may send my children to gather things I’ve printed, help me pack swag bags, etc. (I usually pay them a little bit, and only if they’re interested.)
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Figuring out when to say “yes” and when to say “not yet. I need a few minutes”. I don’t want them to always remember me working, and I want them to know they’re important to me. However, I know that there’s benefit in them seeing me put time and energy into my work because it matters.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Right now it’s Piper & Leaf in Madison. They allow one of our doulas to run our free monthly meetup/support group in their location!
Who is your business bestie?
It’s Jamie from Count It Joy!
Anything else you would like for us to highlight?
Our free monthly support group at Piper & Leaf in Madison. First Thursday of the month, at 6:00pm.
Where can people find you?
Website, Instagram, and Facebook
September 25, 2023
Introduce yourself!
My name is Emily Willis, and I own Womb Space Healing Center.
How does your business help people?
Womb Space Healing Center is a holistic gynecology office offering safe and natural health solutions.
How long have you lived in Madison County?
I’ve lived in Meridianville since October 2009.
What inspired you to start your business?
The complete absence of holistic healthcare in this country and the bandaid approach that does not heal the root cause of physical problems.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
I look at your health holistically meaning complete health of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I also have evening and weekend hours which no other gynecology practice in the area does.
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
Opening women’s minds to the fact that they can heal themselves and giving them their power back.
How does your business contribute to the local community?
I am offering women knowledge to empower them about their healthcare. I give them the tools they need to do the work and heal themselves.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I plan to expand on the small holistic health center I have at my office now with 6 other holistic health professionals. We plan to have a large building that is one stop shopping for holistic health for all.
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
My typical customer is a woman from 18-60, although I have seen ages 10-93. I can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and my website.
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
Freedom with my schedule and what I offer!
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
I am constantly taking courses to further my education out of a desire to find more ways to help people but also I have required CEUs to keep my national certification and state license.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
The first year is really tough on all levels but the end result is so worth it so stick with it.
What product/service would you like for us to highlight at this time?
Holistic gynecology services and products that I sell in my lobby.
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
They visit sometimes when there is no school and momma has to work but are not otherwise involved as school and after school activities keep them and us busy.
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Making sure I give my husband and kids my undivided attention when at home.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Phuket Thai Restaurant and Sushi because Thai and sushi are my favorite!
Who is your business bestie?
I enjoy all my suite mates at work a ton and consider them my friends.
Anything else you would like for us to highlight?
I am a one woman show so everyone gets me only when they contact the office and all appointments are an hour long at least so no one is rushed. I am here to sincerely listen and help.
Where can people find you?
My website and my office at 3315 Memorial Parkway SW, Suite 501, Huntsville, AL 35801 which is between Drake and Airport.
September 18, 2023
Introduce yourself!
Hey y’all, I’m Lauren Hooper! I’m a co-founder here at Madison Mompreneur, and I am a finance and lifestyle coach via The Minimalist Wallet.
How does your business help people?
The Minimalist Wallet provides 1:1 coaching, group courses, and printable tools to help people find a financial lifestyle that allows them to live their best life while also doing good for the people and planet around them. If someone is in need of the lifestyle guidance that will help them live more ethically and sustainably, TMW is where to find it!
How long have you lived in Madison?
I’ve lived in Madison since 2015. My family and I re-located to Alabama right after my husband graduated; we moved up here from Gainesville, Florida (Go Gators!) for a job offer that fit exactly what he was looking for. We didn’t know anyone in the area, and he had only been up here once for the job interview so it was a big leap of faith!
What inspired you to start your business?
I went back to college in 2016 with two babies at home (I have boy/girl twins), and I knew right away that I wanted to do something personal finance related. My first attempt at college resulted in no degree, but $32,000 of debt from student loans, credit cards, and tuition owed to my university. I didn’t have the financial knowledge or support system that would have made getting out of that debt easier, so it was a big learning curve to say the least. I didn’t want to make the same money mistakes that led me into debt again so I spent years educating myself, cultivating better lifestyle habits, and paying off all that debt. Working in personal finance is a way for me to ‘pay forward’ all the help and support I got along the way from many different financial start-ups, bloggers, and authors. It wasn’t until my last couple years in college (I was a part-time for most of it) that I realized there was no job out there that would allow me to teach people about money in away that aligned with my own values and education on how to live a joyful, but frugal lifestyle. CEO of my own business was the only option that would give me that freedom. So in 2019, two years before I launched The Minimalist Wallet, I snagged the URL and related social media handles so that they would be ready for me when it was time.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
I don’t have a one-size-fits-all method for personal finance. Personal finance is PERSONAL. So I like to create programs and tools that mirror the same, bespoke experience someone would have if they are doing 1:1 coaching. I also find that most financial programs are centered around the individual, and I think that so many of the systemic issues we have in our society that are related to money are because people are told to focus on themselves and their needs only. But a lot of financial security comes from having a community that supports you whether it’s the grandparent who moves closer to provide childcare, a job that has paid maternal and paternal leave, or a government that sees the benefit of providing universal pre-k and free meals. When we recognize that the decisions we make with our money everyday have a ripple effect on the change we want to see in the world, you can both build your own individual financial support while also supporting people and planet aka community.
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
Honestly, I think I am my own biggest success. I was my first and longest-running client. The methods and tools I have developed for my clients were workshopped on myself. The things that I teach are how I also choose to live my own life. I also have a few people close to me who have remarked on how they see the world differently after meeting me. They are less concerned with having an aspirational life and more concerned with just living a joyful, intentional life. My influence has effected how they see themselves, their relationships, their personal finances, how their household runs, even the jobs they are and are not choosing to take. Knowing that I have effected that change in them is really wonderful. But as a business owner, I have slow, stagnant periods when I had no clients. When I base my success on the outcome (or lack) of my business relationships with others, it doesn’t provide the steady stream of motivation I need to keep going as a business owner. But my relationship with myself never ceases. So I can wake up each morning, reminded of the amazing things I have accomplished for myself and will continue to accomplish, and it keeps me going.
How does your business contribute to the local community?
While I market globally, I have had many local clients, all women and many mothers. 1:1 coaching has a special bonus for local clients because we have the opportunity to meet in-person just for conversation or to take action on a project that needs guidance, like creating a capsule wardrobe or decluttering a kitchen. I also have the ability to give very detailed suggestions about lifestyle changes because I am deeply familiar with the routines, businesses, school schedules, etc. that affect their lives. I also have business proceeds that are donated to local charities like the Kids to Love Foundation, Crisis Center of North Alabama, and 89.3 WLRH (local NPR affiliate).
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I would love to take the case studies from my 1:1 and group coaching clients to help write books and physical workbooks. I also really enjoy public speaking so any opportunity I have to speak in front of a large audience about the intersections of personal finance, intentional living, and sustainability, I will take!
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
My typical clients are women, ages 25-45, with children, often married or divorced, living in the United States or Canada. They are looking to reduce overwhelm, feel more secure in their financial future, live simpler, and do some good for the people and planet around them. Often find me via Instagram or a podcast (I’ve been interviewed on a few over the years).
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
Brainstorming short and long-form content, writing, doing deep dives and continued education on the topics that I know would benefit my audience are all really enjoyable. I also love the freedom that comes from not having to convince anyone else about business decisions. I can follow my gut, move out my own pace, and rest in the confidence that I have experience and the knowledge to take my business in the right direction.
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
Before I was a personal finance business owner, I was a consumer of books, podcasts, Youtube channels, documentaries, articles, magazines, software applications, social media accounts for anything related to minimalism, personal finance, ethics, and sustainability. While trends in intentional living and finance are noted, I am the most interest in what businesses are doing related to ethical and sustainable living. I consider myself to be in that same industry, but I am just focused on the financial aspect along with the lifestyle changes. In terms of the coaching industry, I follow a few voices that reflect my same views on the ethics of life coaching.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
Having a passion for a topic is not always enough to sustain a business. Unless you can immediate outsource all of nitty gritty things that need to happen to someone else (or multiple someone else’s) you have to be willing and able to do all the back end work like filing paper for an LLC, opening up accounts, creating and managing a website, writing copy for advertisements, creating images/videos/graphics.
My job as a personal finance coach is similar to the traditional financial planner or consultant jobs that many people hold through large investment firms like Edward Jones, Charles Schwab, or Vanguard. Often people also choose to become a Certified Financial Planner meaning they have a fiduciary responsibility to their client (not to the product they are selling). Having a formal or informal education in what it means to be a fiduciary is something I would highly recommend to anyone that wants to work in finance. I have a Bachelor’s in Finance which mostly focused on managing funds for business or large brokerage accounts, but also included some education on personal finance and individual and small business taxes.
There are also a lot of coaching certification programs for people who want to be life coaches. If you don’t have a strong grasp of what a life coach does, one of these programs would be beneficial. Find one that will teach not just what to do, but what not to do since there is a difference between coaching and therapy, and you will want to know what practices are considered ethical and which aren’t.
What product/service would you like for us to highlight at this time?
I offer 1:1 coaching year round and I stand by this as the best bang for your buck (and your time).
My Aligned Values Workbook is a low risk, high reward, printable tool for learning about the concept of values and creating your own custom set of values.
And I have a self-led email course coming up in September for those that are interested in decluttering and analyzing/adjusting their spending habits – get on my email list to be the first to know when sign up starts for that!
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
They know all about what Mom does so they are always asking questions about what I’m up to. They are often a part of the content I am creating for marketing. My daughter created a “Earth Savers Club” complete with hand drawn cards make when I showed her the first prototype for own business card. My son hopes to one day be a part of any YouTube videos I make for TMW. They definitely don’t actively work in my business, but the lessons I teach my clients are the same lessons they learn from me.
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Where to begin…..being a mother (or more accurately the default parent) is a 100+ hour work week, especially if you don’t have childcare, but even when you do. You are thinking about them, making decisions based on them, doing things directly for them. Owning a business, especially as a solo business owner, is a 100+ hour work week. So now we’re looking at 200+ hours of work in a 168 hour week. You need to sleep, you need to eat, you need to do essential care for yourself, but then your brain is also constantly switching from making lunches to creating a Reel on Instagram to finding a pair of clean socks to answering an email to remembering to donate to the PTA fundraiser to remembering to pay your business taxes. You can gain freedom from a rigid work schedule, but that is substituted for an endless work schedule crammed into the margins and often not given full, undivided attention. Being a mother is often thankless and isolating, and in business, mothers (below childless women) are the least valued and most underpaid workers; unfortunately that transfers to how the world sees moms who own businesses. Even when you are, by all usual metrics, considered successful, people still see it as a cute, fun hobby that you should drop at any time if your children (or your partner) need something. One of the motivations for starting Madison Mompreneur was to help moms take their own businesses seriously and for the public at large to take mom + biz owners seriously. Systemic and cultural challenges mean that moms have to work twice as hard to get half as far. It is endlessly frustrating.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
I have worked part-time as an instructor at Pure Barre Madison (located in a Downtown Historic Madison) for about 5 years. And I was a client for another two and half years before I started teaching. I really can’t say enough good things about the clients and staff there. I joke that all the friends I have, I made at PB Madison (which is mostly true). It is a community that I feel really honored to be leader in.
Do you have a business bestie?
I have been so lucky to connect with many, many mom entrepreneurs in the past couple years. But one of the personal & professional relationships I value most is with my friend Camila Montanhani, a family and branding photographer in Westchester, NY. Camila and I connected in a Zoom call with fellow stay-at-home-moms looking to navigate the complexities of the pandemic in May 2020. We were both passionate, outspoken, and crunchy (a synonym for people who lean towards the natural and alternative). We also both have a heart for advocacy work and are very in tune with how mental health affects motherhood and entreneurship. In early 2022, we decided to start doing regular Zoom meetings with just the two of us, to help keep ourselves accountable in our businesses. We meet every Monday from 9am-11am (Central Time) and our sessions are part co-working, part strategy, part therapy. We’ve only met once in person, but we have such a strong connection, and I’m so grateful to have her in my life.
Anything else you would like for us to highlight?
As a life coach, I feel uniquely positioned to give advice to moms and business owners. And as a minimalist, I’ve seen the immense change that happens in people when they change their surroundings. And I think that advice applies to being a mom and business owner – be unwavering in what you allow into your life. There is so much noise, some much distraction, so much that isn’t applicable to you. Take only what you need and ignore the rest. It will give you so much more peace of mind and will keep you consistent in your belief in yourself and in your action. Consistency is the key to success in business and in parenting even when you don’t have the skill, time, talent, money, all the things we think are essential.
Where can people find you?
On Instagram at @lauren_etc and @theminimalistwallet, via The Minimalist Wallet website, and at the Madison Public Library every Tuesday from 11am-1pm (aka Madison Mompreneur co-working) during the school year 😉
September 1, 2023
Welcome to the first post in our new Member Spotlight series! This series will help you get to know the members of Madison Mompreneur as we ask them questions about their personal and professional life as moms who own businesses in Madison, Alabama. We are kicking off this series with the spotlight on Co-Founder Juliana Piper, Owner of PiperMache. Enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed reading about one of our members, please support our local Madison mom-owned businesses.
August 28, 2023