Today we are excited to share a Member Spotlight on another Madison Mompreneur! The Member Highlight Series is designed to help you get to know the members of Madison Mompreneur as we ask them questions about their personal and professional life as moms who own businesses in the Madison, Alabama area.
We are continuing this series by shinning a spotlight on Michelle Thao, owner of Momtastic Fitness.
Introduce yourself!
I’m Michelle and I am the owner of Momtastic Fitness where I specifically work with pre/postnatal moms.
How does your business help people?
I help my clients by providing and executing safe and effective workouts for pregnant and postpartum moms. Making sure they are comfortable and knowledgeable about exercising also.
How long have you lived in Madison County?
I lived in Madison about a year but city hopped over Huntsville/ Madison area. Currently live in Meridianville.
What inspired you to start your business?
What inspired to start my business all started when I was pregnant with my daughter 6 years ago. Being in the fitness industry and lacking resources for the pre/postnatal demographic was discouraging. Moms should be able to feel seen and heard not just athletes.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
I’m a mom who loves fitness! Not only that but I actually work with pre/postnatal moms specifically. I mean, that’s pretty niched down! Not a lot of people actually heard of pre/postnatal trainers when they schedule a consultation with me.
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
My biggest success is having the desire to see change in people whether small or big, I celebrate them all. Seeing people getting results is already the big success.
How does your business contribute to the local community?
My business can contribute to local communities by providing resources about safe and effective exercising to the hospitals, pelvic floor therapists, doulas/midwives, etc. I think exercising during pregnancy especially can be really beneficial to these communities and physicians because not a lot of people know fitness trainers that works with moms.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I see it evolving into great, bigger things than what I expect! In the next 5 years or less I hope to have my own fitness studio instead of renting one.
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
Typical customers are mainly moms. They find me honestly through word of mouth
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
The part I enjoy the most is putting my expertise and knowledge into action.
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
Continuing education! In addition to continually learning from physicians and physical therapists.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
I would say, things take time and consistency. Don’t rush into anything that doesn’t make you feel at peace when making decisions.
Any product/service you would like to highlight at this time?
I offer FREE consultations. In late Spring, I will be starting small group training sessions.
Michelle offers training year round, so make sure to check out her website for the latest programs.
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
No, I don’t. Not really but whenever I have clients, and they bring their kids with them, I help assist the mom with their kids.
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Oh my goodness, scheduling and keeping up with things will probably be the most challenging thing!
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Mine is The Exercise Coach and YMCA!
Who is your business bestie?
Yes, Shelby Simon and Kaelie Harris.
Anything else you want us to highlight?
I also offer in home training in addition to my small group classes. I would love for all pre/postnatal moms to join me.
Where can people find you?
Send me a message on my website or text me.
We love that Michelle offers specialized support for pre/postnatal moms, as moms often give so much of themselves during that season of life. If Michelle’s experience as mom and business owner resonates with you, we want to hear from you in the comments! And if you are a mom and business owner in Madison, Alabama email us at to be featured in a future Member Highlight post!
Don’t forget to read about other Mompreneurs, our latest member highlight was Heather White of Heather Leigh Art
February 22, 2024
Introduce yourself!
I’m Christine Stroecker, and I own Birch Acres LLC.
How does your business help people?
Birch Acres LLC is a fully licensed and insured residential remodeling company. It is my goal to breathe life back into the space of your home. I truly believe that homes hold energy, and that energy affects those living in the space. Making your home more functional, aesthetic, and comfortable, will have an impact on your daily life and how you feel each day. Our homes are usually our biggest material asset, so investing in them (in the correct ways) is very wise. Elevate your home, Elevate your life 🙂
How long have you lived in Madison County?
South Huntsville is my home base. My family has lived here for a little over two years. My husband and I are both from Alabama, but we moved from state to state during/after college. This is our first time living in Alabama as a family, so it feels great to be home!
What inspired you to start your business?
Starting my own business has been on my heart since I was in high school. Surprisingly, I got really comfortable in the corporate world after college and thought I’d never leave. There were multiple things going on in my life from 2020 – 2021 that seemed to push me to start my own business. First, my husband and I flipped two houses on the side while working full-time. This is really where I fell in love with residential construction AND saw a huge need in the market for a more sophisticated experience. Secondly, once I had my son in 2021, my vision of how I wanted the rest of my life to look and the vision being sold by the corporate world weren’t aligning. Having my son was the main catalyst to starting Birch Acres.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
Besides the fact that it’s run by a young female….
The residential remodeling industry is way behind with the times. The quotes given to homeowners are vague; the expectations are not set properly; the billing process is usually unorganized and not clear; it can be “sketchy” in regard to safety; people’s deposits are taken (I can’t tell you how many times I have heard clients say another contractor took their money).
I want to make a positive impact on the reputation that residential contractors carry. When you work with Birch Acres, you will have a fully modern experience. I want to make sure we have a trusting relationship with open communication. My billing process is very clear, organized, and you can make payments online. I have been told numerous times that my quotes are very detailed compared to others. We will discuss different issues that we might encounter. I am very diligent at tracking cost, and dependent on what type of contract you have, we will be in frequent communication on budget. Lastly, we understand that we are coming into your home, so we make sure that we are respectful of your space and your time. We’re basically doing surgery on your home (your most valuable asset), so I want to make sure that my clients understand what to expect.
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
Creating a business that gave me so much time back that I can now spend with my family.
How does your business contribute to the local community?
We donate extra materials that are unused to people that are in need. We will load up the unused materials and take them to where they need to go! We are also particularly careful to dispose of waste properly.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
My goal is to create a construction company that provides an upscale remodeling experience that is communicative, sophisticative, and creative. I want to re-write what people typically think when they go to hire a contractor. Hopefully I am at 5x the revenue that I am projecting for this year, and I’ll certainly need a large team to help me accomplish that.
Equally as important, I want to create a company where the employees thrive in their roles. I want the work environment to promote creativity (not only with design but with processes too), encourage ownership with projects, empower them to take charge. My hope is that working at Birch Acres is a growing experience for the employee that pushes them out of their comfort zone. I want the employees to gain confidence in themselves and their future. Hopefully the employees absolutely love their job and that joy spills into their home. As an employer, time with family will always come first. Money will come and go, but time you can’t get back.
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
I have two main types of customers: (1) Homeowners (2) Investors. They usually find me through a referral, Google, Houzz, or the BBB.
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
F-R-E-E-D-O-M. Can’t say it enough. I have so much freedom with my time. I have control over how much money I make. I have freedom to choose who is a good fit for me to work with. Once day when I am hiring, I’ll have the freedom to choose my employees. I have freedom to choose how my processes work and what deliverables look like. I absolutely love the amount of freedom owning a business gives me.
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
I am a student right now at the Interior Design Institute. I fully plan to elevate the design aspect of my business!
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
#1 you MUST get your Homebuilder’s License! Don’t be afraid of the test. My books are on loan right now to someone who is studying for the test, and I’d be happy to loan them to anyone. #2 don’t be afraid to network around town, build a website, cold call people, etc… this was so uncomfortable for me at first, but it has gotten me so many jobs.
Any product/service you would like to highlight at this time?
During the holidays, I notice a big dip in homeowner projects! It makes sense that people don’t want a renovation going while they are spending large amounts of time at home and inviting guests over. The holidays are stressful enough! That being said, INVESTORS are a HUGE source of revenue for my business. Investor connections really pull my business through the winter season since they are always on the gas!
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
My son involves himself by crawling into my office chair and banging on my keyboard… that’s about as involved as he gets.
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
When I left my corporate job, I was convinced that I wouldn’t have any more super late nights working. I strive to maintain that, but it happens every once in a while. I feel a strong pain in my heart when those moments happen. I use those moments to feel grateful that they are few and far between and that I am on the right track.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Who is your business bestie?
I have a few over the internet, but I need a real-life one!
Where can people find you?
On my website, Facebook, and Instagram.
October 17, 2023
Introduce yourself!
I’m Tracy Abney and I own Rocket City Doulas.
How does your business help people?
Reducing anxiety and instilling confidence in expectant and new parents
How long have you lived in Madison County?
19 years
What inspired you to start your business?
My own birth experience – I felt alone, scared, and like I had lost agency over my own body. I wanted to BE with people so they wouldn’t feel what I felt during birth and postpartum.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
Other than our standard of providing unbiased, non-judgmental support, we run as an agency model. We have shared birth teams, greatly reducing the risk that a client will end up with a backup they don’t know. We have a team of postpartum doulas that can handle any size of contract – big or small!
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
I’m so freaking proud of our team! To have so many doulas who are continually learning and growing in a community is so special!
How does your business contribute to the local community?
We partner with organizations in our area to support bereaved families. We offer bereavement doula support to our clients at no cost.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I am hopeful that we will grow even more into our role as the area’s top postpartum and infant care doulas! My long-term plan is for us to be known in the community who you call when you need postpartum support!
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
Our clients are overall looking for evidence based care and support that is unbiased and non-judgmental. Our clients tend to want a doula to work cooperatively with the care team they’ve carefully created. They usually contact us on our website to set up a free call!
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
It depends on my mood and energy level (chronic illness gang here!) but often it’s networking and speaking at events/expos.
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
We offer our Doulas continuing education by bringing in area experts to speak and teach at our monthly team meetings. Our training organization also sends out important updates monthly that I then pass along to our team.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
Make sure you have your business ducks in a row before starting AND charge your worth! Many doulas think that less experience means they shouldn’t charge for their services. But, your time and education/training should be valued!
Any product/service you would like to highlight at this time?
Many people don’t realize that we provide education services! So, even if they aren’t up for hiring a doula, they can learn from them! We offer Newborn care classes, Childbirth education, Comfort measures classes, and Infant Feeding classes.
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
Yes! I may send my children to gather things I’ve printed, help me pack swag bags, etc. (I usually pay them a little bit, and only if they’re interested.)
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Figuring out when to say “yes” and when to say “not yet. I need a few minutes”. I don’t want them to always remember me working, and I want them to know they’re important to me. However, I know that there’s benefit in them seeing me put time and energy into my work because it matters.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Right now it’s Piper & Leaf in Madison. They allow one of our doulas to run our free monthly meetup/support group in their location!
Who is your business bestie?
It’s Jamie from Count It Joy!
Anything else you would like for us to highlight?
Our free monthly support group at Piper & Leaf in Madison. First Thursday of the month, at 6:00pm.
Where can people find you?
Website, Instagram, and Facebook
September 25, 2023
Introduce yourself!
My name is Emily Willis, and I own Womb Space Healing Center.
How does your business help people?
Womb Space Healing Center is a holistic gynecology office offering safe and natural health solutions.
How long have you lived in Madison County?
I’ve lived in Meridianville since October 2009.
What inspired you to start your business?
The complete absence of holistic healthcare in this country and the bandaid approach that does not heal the root cause of physical problems.
What sets your business apart from others in the industry?
I look at your health holistically meaning complete health of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I also have evening and weekend hours which no other gynecology practice in the area does.
What do you consider to be your biggest success so far?
Opening women’s minds to the fact that they can heal themselves and giving them their power back.
How does your business contribute to the local community?
I am offering women knowledge to empower them about their healthcare. I give them the tools they need to do the work and heal themselves.
How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
I plan to expand on the small holistic health center I have at my office now with 6 other holistic health professionals. We plan to have a large building that is one stop shopping for holistic health for all.
Who are your typical customers, and how do they find you?
My typical customer is a woman from 18-60, although I have seen ages 10-93. I can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and my website.
What do you enjoy most about running your business?
Freedom with my schedule and what I offer!
How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes?
I am constantly taking courses to further my education out of a desire to find more ways to help people but also I have required CEUs to keep my national certification and state license.
What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in your industry?
The first year is really tough on all levels but the end result is so worth it so stick with it.
What product/service would you like for us to highlight at this time?
Holistic gynecology services and products that I sell in my lobby.
Do you involve your kids in your business? If yes, how so?
They visit sometimes when there is no school and momma has to work but are not otherwise involved as school and after school activities keep them and us busy.
What do you find is the most difficult part of balancing motherhood and business life?
Making sure I give my husband and kids my undivided attention when at home.
What business in the Madison area is your favorite?
Phuket Thai Restaurant and Sushi because Thai and sushi are my favorite!
Who is your business bestie?
I enjoy all my suite mates at work a ton and consider them my friends.
Anything else you would like for us to highlight?
I am a one woman show so everyone gets me only when they contact the office and all appointments are an hour long at least so no one is rushed. I am here to sincerely listen and help.
Where can people find you?
My website and my office at 3315 Memorial Parkway SW, Suite 501, Huntsville, AL 35801 which is between Drake and Airport.
September 18, 2023