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Welcome to another edition of our Member Spotlight Series on the Madison Mompreneur blog! This series will help you get to know the members of Madison Mompreneur as we ask them questions about their personal and professional life as moms who own businesses in the Madison, Alabama area.

We are continuing this series with the spotlight on Brandy Booth & Shannon Fisher, Owners of Lemon & Lavender!

Introduce yourself!

We are Brandy Booth and Shannon Fisher, Owners of Lemon & Lavender, a brick & mortar store located in the Shoppes of Historical Downtown Madison (Alabama).

How does your business help people? 

We are two moms on a mission to give shoppers the opportunity to shop eco-friendly and confident that all products have clean ingredients with sustainable packaging. We help people move from being convenience consumers to conscious consumers.

How long have you lived in Madison? 

Both of us have lived here for over 20 years!

What inspired you to start your business? 

There were no options in the area at the time to shop, knowing that everything in the store was eco-friendly and sustainable. 

What sets your business apart from others in the industry? 

We focus not only on our products but sustainable practices in manufacturing and dealing with packaging and waste.

What do you consider to be your biggest success so far? 

Opening the first Refillery in North Alabama where customers can bring their own containers to refill cleaning and bath supplies by the ounce. Just like a bulk bin at a natural grocery store where you might bring a reusable bag to purchase rice, beans, or coffee, you can do the same with cleaning solutions like laundry detergent and personal care products like shampoo or bath salts.

How does your business contribute to the local community? 

We give the residents in our local community the opportunity to shop in a more eco-friendly manner. We are also conscientious in our manufacturing and waste from the store to repurpose it rather than recycle or trash it. 

How do you see your business evolving in the next 5-10 years? 

We are in the process of expanding our Refillery to include more cleaning and bath products. We also hope to lead inspiration to other businesses to adopt more eco-conscious practices. 

Who are your typical customers and how do they find you? 

Our customers are a wide variety of ages, but mostly those who already live an eco-friendly lifestyle or desire to make those changes. Many find us online as they search out for eco-conscious businesses. 

What do you enjoy most about running your business? 

We most enjoy educating those who visit about both our products as well as how to incorporate them into a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes? 

We stay up to date by constantly researching more products and lifestyle practices.

Anything else you would like for us to highlight? 

We partner with other local businesses for sustainable purposes. Phoenix Glass Recycling gives us glass containers each month to give away to customers for Refillery. We also give some other local businesses our packing material we receive in shipments to reuse for their shipping of products to help eliminate waste.

Where can people find you? 

108 Main Street in Madison, Alabama and online at On Facebook and Instagram we are @lemonandlavendermadison.

If Brandy and Shannon’s experiences as moms and business owners resonates with you, we want to hear from you in the comments! And if you are a mom and business owner in Madison, Alabama email us at to be featured in a future Member Highlight post!


January 15, 2025

Member Highlight: Lemon & Lavender